A BRUSH WITH THE LEGENDS Cardfight Vanguard Booster Pack VGE-D-BT02

The set consists of 120 new types of cards, and breaks down as follows:
RRR: 10 types, RR: 15 types, RR: 30 types, C: 65 types, DSR:2 types, SP:40 types, and H:50 kinds.
Each pack comes with 7 random cards and 2 cards in every pack will be R or above.
Includes support for the Dragon Empire, Dark States, Brandt Gate, Keter Sanctuary, Stoicheia nations.
Introduces a new deck theme for two nations and includes further support for the previous themes.
Each display includes a Fighters Counter at random from seven designs (Front side: [Power]+100 Million / Back side: [Critical]+1).